Whatever happened this past week slips away as we walk through the doors of Living Waters on a Sunday morning. The sense of relief, support from truly caring people and of course the spiritual and pastoral leadership of Pastor JJ provides inspiration to keep us moving in the best direction supporting the Lord’s work. Peace and blessings to all.
In the summer of 2016, Nancy and I heard the greeting, “No matter where you are on the journey of faith, you are most welcome here.” We found Living Waters through a Google search and had never heard of the ELCA before.
Finding Living Waters was a very powerful experience for us. Not growing up in the Lutheran tradition, we were deeply touched by things that may be easy to take for granted. Seeing that men and women were treated equally in terms of ministry was profound. Participating in worship with a female pastor has filled us with joy. Six years later it still touches us. The democratic structure of Living Waters affirms our shared ministry. Voting for the annual budget, the building expansion and for a new pastor was liberating. Learning that Living Waters is a Reconciling in Christ church demonstrates a commitment to radical love and openness to all regardless of sexual identity, race, nationality, or religious denomination. Over time, it was very evident that this was not a church absorbed with right beliefs and dogma, but rather a church committed to service to one another, a commitment to living the Gospel message. Living Waters brings us great joy. We have grown in that joy as we have gotten to know the members of this congregation better. Living Waters is the Church that we always longed for and finally found. But I don’t believe that we actually found Living Waters. I truly believe that we were led here by the hand of God.
Bob and Nancy
I started attending Living Waters a few years ago. After a few months of feeling it was the right place to me, my granddaughter came out as a transgender woman. I said to the pastor, “I now know why this is the church for me. She’d be welcome here.” I still love that Living Waters is one of the most inclusive churches I’ve ever attended.
To me, Living Waters is more of an extended family, than a simple "congregation." There is such care shown within our community, and that care extends outside our church walls, too! We, together in a community of faith, tackle some tough questions together in a safe and brave space, so we are better prepared to navigate a complex and complicated world. We welcome and invite you to participate in our social activities and/or worship service which is rooted in Word, sacrament, music, service, sharing of the peace, and preparing us to be living examples of how to love our neighbors. If you are white, brown, Black, or somewhere in between, we see you, invite you, and welcome you to participate in our community. If you are straight, gay, trans, questioning, or non-binary, we see you, invite you, and welcome you to worship with us in an inclusive community. Wherever you are on your faith journey, we see you, invite you, and welcome you to join us in a relaxed and approachable worship service that celebrates our relationship with God. No matter how you identify, you are welcome here.