LSM's Annual Backpack Drive ending August 4th. Thank you for participating.

Pastor's Corner

July 24, 2024

Wednesday Blessings,

Back from vacation! I am grateful to have had time to rest and retreat. Colleen and I are thankful to a good friend who opened her home to us so that we could disconnect and recharge (as best we could). I am grateful to Pastor Ophelia for accepting the invitation to come and lead worship. How blessed we are to have such a wonderful, gifted, and caring neighbor.

On Sunday mornings we are taking a break from Mark. We step into the portion of the lectionary where will will hear John's words and we will be fed on bread... five weeks of bread. It is an invitation for us to see God in the ordinary and open our hearts to see ordinary things become sources of strength and nourishment.

Join us on this journey. Mark your calendars and come early on August 11th. We'll gather to make bread together. This will be the bread that will feed us in body, mind, and spirit. Come all who are hungry.

It is good to be back.

Pastor JJ

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