Annual Congregational Meeting, Sunday, January 26th following worship - All members are urged to attend
Sunday Worship 10:30am



Mid-Week Advent Worship 
On Wednesdays December 4th, 11th and 18th we will be gathering at 7:00 pm for our Advent Mid-Week Worship using the Holden Evening Prayer service.  This is a beautiful time of calm and prayer, a perfect balance of Advent in a hectic time.  Give it to yourself as a gift of self-care this month.  Dinner will be available beginning at 6:00 pm if you don't have a chance to eat before.  A free will offering basket will be available to offset the cost of the dinner. 
Christmas Flowers!  We will again have flowers for Christmas eve, thank you Amy V. If you would like to make a donation to purchase Christmas flowers and make a donation in memory or, in honor of a loved, or to the glory of God,  click here to complete the form for poinsettias.   Deadline December 15th
Sunday, December 15th - Christmas Cookie Exchange – 12:00 p.m. (After Worship) - Thankfully Pat is again organizing the wonderful Cookie exchange.  Please contact her for details and to's quite the event! 
Special Notes for Christmas Eve Services
Christmas Eve - Sunday, Dec. 24th 
4:00 pm - Early Christmas Eve service will be outside, weather permitting.  Bring a chair and a blanket if you'd like, and dress appropriately.  The service will be a bit shorter than usual but we will have communion.  We can use volunteers to welcome people.
7:00 pm  - Traditional Christmas Eve Candlelight service will be Indoors.  Please reach out to Pastor soon if you would like to share your musical gifts during the service.
Christmas Morning - Wednesday, Dec. 25th
10:00 am  Taizé service and breakfast.  A Taizé worship service involves sung and chanted prayers, meditation, a period of silence, liturgical readings, and icons.
Give those around you the gift of an invitation to worship with you.  You never know if that is just what they need for this Advent and Christmas season.
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